Archive for category: Uncategorized
22 June, 2015 (19:13) | Uncategorized | By: seth
You are a seasoned software engineer. You have plenty of projects under your belt. With that kind of experience you should be able to tell when this brand new project will be finished…. Three are a couple of things to consider here. One is that engineers almost always under-estimate. But knowing this is not all […]
22 May, 2015 (14:52) | Uncategorized | By: seth
We testers like our testing shapes”. For example consider the Testing Pyramid Well then, here is my contribution. This is the dog bone approach to testing. It is shaped like a dog bone because it is fat (more effort and resources) on both ends and skinny (less effort and resources) in the middle. […]
Tags: software | 1 comment
10 May, 2015 (11:32) | Uncategorized | By: seth
We should trust data. We certainly should trust data more than we trust the HiPPO. But when we dive head-first into the data looking for answers when we ourselves do not know the questions, that can be risky. After all, Goal, Question, Metric (GQM) was promoted (in that order) over 20 years ago. (here is […]
Tags: data | No comments
24 April, 2015 (10:48) | Uncategorized | By: seth
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19 March, 2015 (09:22) | Uncategorized | By: seth
I found these quotes which tie-in well with my previous juxtaposition of Sinofsky versus Nadella Windows 8 is a disaster. Period. Paul Thurrott, SuperSite for Windows (pro-Microsoft author and blogger) [ref] Windows 10 Undoes the Disaster of Windows 8 (Mostly) David Pogue, Tech columnist, Yahoo (formerly with the New York Times) [ref] Windows 10 […]
Tags: customers, software | No comments
18 February, 2015 (16:50) | Uncategorized | By: seth
Photo credit:
Tags: data, humor | No comments
15 February, 2015 (22:21) | Uncategorized | By: seth
You can’t sort of A/B test your way before the product launches, because you don’t have it in users’ hands yet. You need to use your product intuition to make the right choices. You make these choices and people are paying you to make them. Steven Sinofsky, former Microsoft President Windows D11 Conference, May 2013 […]
Tags: customers, data, software | 1 comment
13 February, 2015 (08:53) | Uncategorized | By: seth
At one point I attempted to coin the phrase TestOps (pivoting off the increasingly popular DevOps) Quality in the Cloud: The new Role of TestOps – March 2012 But ultimately there were a few things I did not like about that phrase. Primarily was that TestOps really is already a part of DevOps. DevOps is […]
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8 February, 2015 (06:55) | Uncategorized | By: seth
It is funny that whenever I teach (or lecture, or cajole) software engineering teams about the necessity for customer centricity, I almost inevitably get challenged with the example of Steve Jobs’ Apple. Jobs did not care about focus groups, Jobs did not task his teams to deeply mine customer data… he just told them what […]
Tags: customers, data, software | 1 comment
1 February, 2015 (13:04) | Uncategorized | By: seth
Not quite Testing in Production…..but amusing nonetheless
Tags: humor, software | No comments