Archive for tag: humor

Data-Driven in one image

18 February, 2015 (16:50) | Uncategorized | By: seth

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Bing’s fault or Bartell Drug’s fault?

1 February, 2015 (13:04) | Uncategorized | By: seth

Not quite Testing in Production…..but amusing nonetheless  

TiP is misunderstood – perhaps DDQ is Better

12 January, 2015 (06:51) | Uncategorized | By: seth

I spent a long time talking to folks about the merits of a conscientious Testing in Production (TiP) strategy.  But I knew TiP had a bad rap.  I even shared the story of how some would mischaracterize it as a common and costly technical malpractice While evangelizing TiP, I and my Microsoft colleagues would happily […]

Who is the HiPPO?

8 January, 2015 (19:50) | Uncategorized | By: seth

HiPPO stands for Highest Paid Person’s Opinion HiPPO driven decision making is the opposite of data-driven decision making.  The highest paid” person may be your boss, or the VP with his eye on the project, or even the CEO.  But no matter how many of those big bucks they are pulling down, it turns out […]